Can men amd women be friends? This question has been discussed for as long as I've known. Some say that No! It is impossible. Men and women cannot be friends. However, in the article called 'Can Men and Women Be Friends' , the author says that they can be friends. I agree with the author on this point because I have had many male friends and our relationship has been still at the level of only friendship. My female friends are not superior to male ones in every field of my life.
However, I cannot say that there is no exception in these relationships. Sometimes females or males, it is not important, can feel some things beyond friendship. I have never experienced such a thing but I know ones who were shocked when they noticed something unusual between themselves. I think this type of situations can be tolerated because it is imposible to make people emotionless. Everyone has the right to love and this can be among male-female friends. If you are open for a love affair you respond to him or her in which way you like. It is up to you. Nobody can force you to love or hate someone else.
To sum up, it is possible to be friends for a male and female although some think there cannot be such a friendship.