20 Ocak 2013 Pazar


         I want to talk about one of our national success. The thing that I mentioned about is ´FIRE OF ANATOLIA'. It is a special project which includes a lot of dance figures from all over our country. Fire of Anatolian was established by Mustafa Erdoğan in 1999. Previously, it was a group called as Sultan’s of The Dance. He had a dream which aimed to introduce our cultural structure to the world. He wanted to make his dream real, so he decided to enhance this group. Firstly, he collected ninety skillful dancers and they started to work intensively during a year and a half. Finally, they showed their first performance for he first time in 2001. Their aim is to introduce our culture to all of the world and they have been displaying their marvellous performances fort this aim in several countries such as, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Israel, China, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Egypt, Jordan, Hungary, Italy, North Cyprus, Siberia, South Korea, Qatar, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Russia, Japan, Mexico and Greece..Fire of Anatolia is regarded as one of the world’s best dance group and It is also the first group that performs in the Bodrum Antique Theatre after 2300 years.It is exactly an achievement and it is a proud for our country. I cannot forget the day when I watched their performance for the first time on TV and the excitement that I felt. Whenever I see it, I realize that my excitement will never end for them. Their works  are really praiseworthy.


         I selected a video for my blog because everyone should see this excitement. I chose this one that was performed at Eurovision  2004 Song Contest Turkey. This show starts with belly dance and ends with our folk dance called 'horon' from Black Sea Region. I like both belly dance and horon, but the horon in the video fascinated me. I cannot understand how they become such fast.  They must have worked so hard . I really appreciate and watch them without a wince. If I had a chance ı would like to be one of them :)

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