7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba


        Our life area is full of all sorts of technological things-television,computer,cell phone,video player and any other things like these.It is true that they  provide for us many facilities to maintain our lifes.We save time and effort  by using them,but are we aware of detriments  that are derived from technology?

        I think  most of the people know these damages,but they want to ignore them because technological devices make their life easier than the past.First of all,the cell-phone..This device is the most common communication way of our lives. However, it generates  radiation which is damaging our brains.Experts say that people should make a telephone call at most for a five minutes.On the contrary,we don’t remove this device from us for a moment.Secondly,television..My mother always says that we had had a talk more  each other before this device(television) was invented.I agree with  her.We are sitting in front of TV and do nothing but  watching it.Moreover,little children are staying with us and exposed to all of its damaging rays.In addition to these,there is also a computer craziness among today’s people.They are always carrying their computers with them as if they could not live without these devices.Finally,all of the materials in our house such as,washing machine,refrigerator,dishwasher and the other things that we use in our daily lives work with electricity,so when there is a power-cut our life stops and we cannot do anything.We are dependent on these devices without being aware of.                As a result,we must immediately stop this life style.Unless we can do this we have neither a body nor a place to live.


         This video is mainly about the harmful environmental effects of technology. It impressed me so much because I realized that how much new innovations destroy both us and our environment .Before these innovations showed up we had a cleaner and more natural environment. There was no news on newspapers or radio reporting that many fish yesterday were washed up onto a shore and the reason why they died was unknown. However, today’s newspapers are full of these types of news .Actually; technology also damages our fruits and vegetables. The shapes and sizes of our products were different in the days of old than now. I am so sorry to say that the ones who cause all of this badness are human beings. In other words we are destroying ourselves, but we are not aware of this and we keep doing whatever we want. If we understand what we did one day I hope it would not be too late.



 1. When I first heard that I had been accepted to Middle East Technical Unıversity,I was disappointed,because I did not like Ankara as a city.However my opinion has changed dramatically over time,because Middle East Technical Unıversity is a really different world in Ankara. 2. It has been only one month since I came here,but I got used to be in this environment. Because(?), first of all, people from all  ages respect to each other here. 3. I love Ankara, my dormitory, my new friends and my department,I am content with everything which belongs to METU. 4. If someone wants to walk , he or she can go and walk and it is a nice place to go and meet with my friends 5. We can easily see this by watching TV,surfing on the internet or maybe just looking around us because there are many people who are graduated from different kinds of universities but they're not even able to know what's going on around them or they don't even try to find good ways to improve the countries that they live in.

31 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba



      I saw the latest slogan of metu ‘ I BRAIN ODTU’ for the first time when I was searching information about METU on the web site.I watch the movie so many times to understand what it stresses exactly,but I don’t understand why’ I brain odtü’ was used instead of ‘I brain metu’.I and Brain is an english but odtü is a turkish abbreviation.
     I was surprised a bit when watching because the people in the movie says that they can change the world.This is a very assertive statement.Altering the world is a very difficult thing,but they say that they start with their own surroundings.This is the most important point of the movie for me.It explains what a person from METU thinks,plans and how he or she make this goal.
      ‘I brain odtü’ also emphasizes that there is a strict relationship between METU and thinking.As a student of metu I can realise easily how necessary effectively- thinking is in METU.
      If it was said  to  me to find a new slogan for METU, I would choose ‘CHANCE FOR ACHİEVEMENT’ because we all know METU’s features,opportunities and effectiveness for our future lifes.It has an aim at changing and developing its student and make them ready to be an effective person of our society.Because of this,it always emphasizes that you must read. You must search..and so people from METU graduated from there as a well-equipped people.They have more chance to be selected in their business lifes.

17 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba


      There is alwasy a dream  for university in every student’s mind because the university years  may be the best times of our life.We make friends and learn so manys things in this process ,so people never forget their universities and want to spend this excellent times as good as possible. I started to dream and consider my university in my highschool times.In that times,I saw university only as a school to,yet this idea disappeared after I came here.
      The university which I always desire has so many characteristics.It’s proved to be an efficient university.It has a splendid name like METU.METU is known for its success  all over the world.The people who graduated from this university are well educated and qualified.Their professions is on the top.I saw lots of politicians,poets,journalists and CEOs who graduted from METU.It has also qualified instructors. These features are the academic ones.It has also social features.It has a very big campus.The buildings are new,well-equipped and good-looking.Our METU campus is as big as I want but the buildings are not  the ones in my dreams.My dream university has a seaside.I wish METU were in izmirJ I always want to live in the campus area,so my dream university has dorms  in it.This dorms are far from each other and each of them has its own characteristics so that the students can choose whichever they want.METU provides so many dorms for us.In addition to these,my university includes restaurants,shops,markets and whatever a student needs.METU has most of them,but the transportation could be better than now.It has a good security system.No one else from university students can enter the campus area without a reference.
      As seen,METU is my dream university in many characteristics i said.Except from seaside, it involves everything wished J


    When I first heard of METU’s fame , I was thinking and worrying about this challenging universty.After coming here,I learned that this reputation of METU is even less than it deserves.it is not only an enviable universty,but it is also a luck for us to be an efficient person.Being a student is more wonderful than I expected.
     METU has so many opportunities and facilities for students.First of all,our campus is too big to deal with but it provides ring servises for us to reach easily wherever we must go.There are also public transportation buses to go city center.Secondly, our çarşı contains shops such as; supermarket, hairdresser,banks,restautants and many others.We don’t need to go city center to buy our requirements.Thirdly, our dormitories are well equipped and most of them  have a canteen and computer lab and finally, the whole campus area is covered with trees and plants.This is the best one for me.If you look at campus site, you can easily see the  difference between METU and the city.Everything is in order in this lovely area. As a student you have many opportunity here to live and learn. In metu you can change and develop yourself  however you want in both academic and social ways.
      The courses is not as funny as this.You have to study more and more and regularly.The more you try,the more you become better.It is up to you.This is a challange for me now, but I hope it will my pleasure in a short timeJ Another challange for me is the truth that you are all yourself  here.You are alone.You must deal with every trouble that you face with by yourself.You must be powerful and resistent,but I am so happy to be here in spite of eveything that can be seen challange.

4 Ekim 2012 Perşembe


Living in this lovely area is more excellent than expected. The more you see it, the more you love. :)
Everybody in this campus is doing something even at nights, which makes it alive..